A monster doesn't always eat little kids heads
A monster doesn't always have to be green
A monster doesn't have to be huge and look viciously mean
A monster doesn't have to be eerie and scary
A monster doesn't have to be tough and hairy
So what is a monster you're probably thinking
What makes you so afraid that you can’t stop blinking
A monster could be your imagination, what we see, what we do
A monster could be a demon that constantly lives inside you
When you lay down at night and close your eyes
And all you can think about is that monster by your side
Don’t be afraid to go to sleep
Its just a bad dream, go count some sheep
Whos to say if a monster is good or if a monster is bad
If you only think about monsters you’ve gone totally mad
Dont be afraid of monsters or if they can turn you into someone dead
Dont be afraid of monsters because they're all trapped in your head