Future Bail Money
Ain’t no tellin what i've done
Ain’t no tellin what you've done
Ain’t no tellin what we've done
Ain't no tellin them anything
Cuz family is the only real thing in this world
Keep em close and you’ll be safe
Push em away and….good luck
Lifes a beat
You're born with a beat
Ten years later you learn your first swear
You get a different kind of beat
Five years later someone makes fun of your mum
You give your first beat you get home and your mum gives you a beat
And you tell her why you beat him
“I love you son”
My stereotype
Because i’m white im rich
I have a mom and a dad
I always have money on me
I get whatever i want
Actually i'm adopted
Which means my original parents said no thank you
I have two dads who work so hard to provide
And the money I have isn't just handed to me
So yeah im white don't ask me for money
And don't assume who I am
Get to know me first